Homecare Services
Medical Rehabilitation
Pain Management
Elder Care

Patient Charter


  1. ACCESS TO CARE: No patient shall be denied for any healthcare services due to sexual orientation, race, colour, religion or country / state origin & disability.
  2. RESPECT & DIGNITY: The patient has the right to considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of his/her personal dignity and worth.
  3. PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITY: The patient has the right within the law, to personal and informational privacy, as manifested by the right:
    • To refuse to talk with or see any persons officially connected with the HCAH but who are not directly involved in his/her care.
    • To have a person of one's own gender present during physical examination, treatment, or procedure performed by a healthcare professional; and the right not to remain disrobed completely any longer than is required for accomplishing the medical purpose for which the patient was asked to disrobe.
    • To have his/ her medical record read only by individuals directly involved in treatment or monitoring of quality, and by other individuals only on authorization by the patient or that of his/ her legally authorized representative.
  4. PATIENT SAFETY: The patient/NOK has the right to expect reasonable safety in so far as the HCAH practices are concerned. Safety measures are taken to protect any physical abuse or neglect of the patient and special precautionary measures shall be taken for the vulnerable patients. Other safety measures include the use of employee identity cards that are to be worn by every employee at all times when on duty.
  5. REFUSAL OF TREATMENT: The patient has the right to refuse treatment. Exceptions to this are made in case of minors or those cases where the patient is incapable of exercising judgment and appreciation of the consequences of their actions. Other exceptions are in cases where the law restricts this right.
  6. IDENTITY: The patient has the right to know the identity and competency of the individuals providing service to him / her and to know which clinical staff is primarily responsible for his/her care.
  7. INFORMATION: The patient has the right to obtain relevant complete information from the concerned clinical staff responsible for coordinating his/her care, complete and current information concerning his/her diagnosis (to the degree known), treatment and any known prognosis. This information should be communicated in the language the patient/NOK can understand.
  8. MEDICAL RECORDS: The patient has a right to have their electronic medical records available to them on request based on HCAH policy.
    • The patient has the right to participate in the decisions involve in his/her care plan. The patient shall not be subjected to any procedure without his/her voluntary and informed consent identified NOK by HCAH.
    • The patient/NOK may refuse treatment. When refusal of treatment by the patient or identified NOK by HCAH, prevents the provision of appropriate care in accordance with ethical and professional standards, the written consent for the same to be taken from the patient/NOK.
  10. TRANSFER AND CONTINUITY OF CARE: A patient may be transferred to another facility/healthcare provider based on his/her request. A discharge summary shall be provided as per HCAH policy for the continuity of care.
  11. COMPLAINT PROCESS: The patient/NOK has the right to file a complaint regarding services and is entitled to information regarding the HCAH's mechanism for the initiation, review and resolution of such complaints.
  12. EXPECTED COST OF TREATMENT: The patient/NOK has the right to information regarding the expected cost of treatment that he/she has consented to avail any homecare services in the HCAH. • Patient/NOK have a right to know and to receive prior information regarding the estimated cost of treatment. The service cost is communicated through financial consent form(FCF). • Patient/NOK know, in advance of the services being planned to be rendered to them, the cost of those services and the applicable payment policy. Patient/NOK will be informed about the financial implications when there is a change in the patient condition or treatment setting. The patient/NOK has a right to examine and receive an explanation of his/her bill regardless of the source of payment.


    • The patient/NOK has the responsibility to provide to the best of his/her knowledge and ability, accurate and complete information concerning his/her present complaints, past medical history, hospitalizations, all medications (including herbal and over the counter), allergies and other matters relating to his/her health.
    • The Patient/NOK is responsible for following the treatment plan mutually agreed upon by the patient and clinical staff involved in the direct patient's care. The patient/NOK has the responsibility to express any concern they have in their ability to follow on the agreed proposed care or treatment.
    • Treat those providing care, with utmost dignity and respect.
    • Do not instruct or force any HCAH staff to do any house hold work at any point of time during the services.
    • Never allow intoxicated personnel to enter inside the patient's area at homecare settings.
    • Respect that the patientcare area in home care setting is a "No smoking zone".
    • Control noise, maintain Silence and restrict the number of visitors.
    • Restrict the children in the critical care settings at home.
    • Never hurt or threaten HCAH staff, or conduct any activity that would disrupt the care.
    • Safety and security of the HCAH staff should be ensured at all times.
  3. ACCEPTING CONSEQUENCES IN CASE OF REFUSAL OF TREATMENT: The patient and / or NOK is responsible for his/her actions and the outcomes of those actions if he/she refuses treatment or does not follow the agreed care plan.
  4. HCAH POLICY: The patient/NOK is responsible to follow the policies laid by the organization for effectice care delivery.
  5. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: The patient/NOK is responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of his/her care are fulfilled as promptly as possible and within the desired time frame. Make the payment of the bills on time as directed by the HCAH.
    • Keep toilets and hand wash basin of the home facility clean after use.
    • To refrain guests from visiting the HCAH home patient care settings in case they are suffering from any disease or infection.