We have all had those moments: searching for our cell phone or car keys, or struggling to recall the name of someone we just met. Forgetfulness is a universal experience, and occasional memory lapses are a normal part of life. However, as we age, it’s natural to wonder whether these lapses are just a sign of getting older or something more serious.

Memory changes are a common part of the aging process, and most of us will experience some degree of cognitive decline as we grow older. But there’s a distinction between the typical memory fluctuations associated with aging and the more pronounced memory loss that may signal the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or other cognitive disorders.

Dementia is a general term for any disease that causes a change in memory and/or thinking skills that is severe enough to impair a person’s daily functioning. There are many different causes of dementia, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Most types of dementia cause gradual worsening of symptoms over years due to progressive damage to nerve cells in the brain caused by the underlying disease process, which is referred to as “neurodegeneration.”

The cause of dementia is unknown in many cases. Research is ongoing to better understand what causes dementia, but the underlying mechanism is thought to be related to a build-up of proteins in the brain that interfere with how the brain functions or works.

People with dementia may have different symptoms, depending on the type and stage of their particular dementia. A person’s symptoms depend on which part of the brain is affected by the disease process, and they may change over time as the diseases progress to involve different areas of the brain. Different types of dementia tend to target particular parts of the brain. For example, the parts of the brain that are important for the formation of new memories are usually affected early on in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is why short-term memory loss is often one of the first symptoms of AD. 

Some of early signs and symptoms in dementia include: 

  • Memory loss, especially recent events or information
  • Difficulty with language, such as finding the right words or understanding
  • Challenges with problem-solving and decision-making
  • Confusion about time, place, or people
  • Taking longer to complete familiar tasks, like following a recipe.
  • Misplacing items in inappropriate places, such as putting a wallet in a kitchen drawer.
  • Getting lost while walking or driving in a familiar area.
  • Changes in mood or behavior, such as increased agitation or withdrawal.

Recognizing these early signs can prompt early intervention and support, improving the individual’s quality of life and facilitating access to appropriate resources and care.

Addressing dementia concerns can be daunting, but seeking help early can make a significant difference in managing the condition effectively. It’s essential to reach out for assistance if you notice persistent or worsening signs of cognitive decline in yourself or a loved one. Some indicators that it may be time to ask for help include:

  • Difficulty performing familiar tasks independently
  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings
  • Changes in personality or mood that interfere with daily life
  • Decline in hygiene and self-care habits
  • Concerns expressed by family members, friends, or healthcare providers

Don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation and guidance on next steps. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes and support strategies tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.

At HCAH, we are dedicated to providing accessible and compassionate support for individuals and families affected by dementia. Through our teleconsultation services, we offer remote consultations with experienced healthcare professionals specializing in dementia care. This innovative approach allows individuals to receive expert guidance and support from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating barriers such as transportation or mobility issues.

  Our teleconsultation services include:

  • Comprehensive assessments to evaluate cognitive function and determine the presence of dementia
  • Personalized care planning and support strategies tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences
  • Education and guidance for families and caregivers on dementia management, communication techniques, and accessing community resources
  • Ongoing support and follow-up consultations to monitor progress and adjust care plans as needed

Our team is dedicated and passionate about enriching the lives of seniors by providing high-quality, person-centered care that respects their choices. Dementia is a progressive disease and we completely understand that it is not an easy decision to move your loved one to a new home. We will equip you well, once you decide for the big move.

Alternatively, a consultation call or visit with our experts can help you deal with your current situation or health condition of your loved one. The idea is to equip you and support you while you evaluate your future course of action.

Call45-60 minsINR 2500 + GST@18%
Visit60-75 minsINR 3500 + GST@18%

Please note: The visit can only be scheduled for families in Hyderabad and Gurgaon. The pricing might vary depending on the location within the city.

By embracing teleconsultation services, individuals and families can access timely and convenient support, empowering them to navigate the challenges of dementia with confidence and peace of mind.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by dementia, promoting dignity, independence, and well-being for all.